Monday, February 25, 2008

Just to prove I am still alive!

Here's a picture taken today:

Yes, I look a bit stoned/sleepy/sick/in pain, and with good reason: I am all of the above - The stoned bit, I must hasten to add, is legally prescribed Vicodin to help control my chronic pain, and I try not to take it at all if I can help it, but it's been a very painful non-walking couple of days...

Yes, one eye is "bigger" than the other - my right eyelid droops now from nerve damage...

Yes, I'm still bald under the blonde, I just felt like wearing a wig today, and normally, my wigs are red but I was having a blonde moment, what can I say?

Finally, lest you think I'm all about self deprecation, and that I never have anything good to say about myself, I will also tell you that I am not wearing makeup in the above photo. In less than a week, I will be 45 - not too shabby in the complexion & no wrinkle department, if I do say so myself!

So, there you have I now return you to your regularly scheduled fiber related blog.

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