Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's a knitter's prerogative... change her mind! And yes, it's spelled correctly! I know most people pronounce it as "PER-ogative" but they're wrong! Neeners.

Anywho, I decided I didn't want to make the "Paton's Kroy Socks" yarn I got for my birthday into Broadripple socks. Something about the print struck me as too "busy" for the ripples. So I changed to the "official" Patons pattern titled "Jacquard & Stripes Socks" (#104).

It was published for the self patterning yarns, but so far this "print" (read variegated) is working up well, I think. Here's a pic:

I know there's a pic in the post directly below this one, and it's cute/funny (at least I think so!), but a little too dark to see how the color changes are shaping up. So far, I like it. More pics coming soon!

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